Fisherman's Baskets


In a small street in Tortellà, a quaint Catalan town, the façade of a shop seems like a memory from a different era: offering sweets, toys, cigarettes, books, and newspapers. Two children eagerly unwrap a new game while their mother attends to her tasks. Towards the back, a glass door opens into Dani's realm: a basketry workshop.

Dani exclusively converses in Catalan, fashioning baskets to ensure that the techniques endure amidst the vastness of time.

Fisherman's baskets, Celtic baskets, and various "cistellas" abound in his workshop.

Dani learns through hands-on creation, experimenting with fibers, and exchanging ideas with fellow basket weavers in Catalonia, France, and beyond.

He cherishes his freedom, embracing the simplicity of a life shielded from futile ambitions—where, in his view, beauty originates.

"Volem posar el nostre granet de sorra a fer que el món sigui un lloc més natural i bonic per viure, on la bellesa comenci en la simplicitat" (We want to contribute our grain of sand to make the world a more natural and beautiful place to live, where beauty begins in simplicity).