Noël à La Maison de Commerce
À l'approche des fêtes de fin d'année, La Maison de Commerce vous a sélectionné un florilège de cadeaux. Plein phare sur ce qui nous enchante : des objets qui ont du sens, faits par la main de l'Homme, du bel...
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A great classic of the decorative Arts, the bestiary is just as present in beautiful everyday objects. A "cabinet of curiosity" spirit that we like and that we find in many of La Maison de Commerce's craftsmen.
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As the mercury changes course, so do our desires. Make way for warm colors, woods and seasonal objects that we can divert as we please. Here's a selection of suggestions to celebrate the transition to winter with panache and a healthy...
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Our Beautifuls baskets
JOURNEY AROUND THE BASKET Whether utilitarian, decorative or simply misuded, baskets have more than one trick up their sleeve. Let's take a closer look at these nuggets of everyday life, available in wicker, wood or ceramic from La Maison de...
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